Annual qCSI-Conference 2023

Annual qCSI-Conference 2023

The annual qCSI-conference/workshop took place in on 19.9-21.9 organized by the qCSI consortium member University of Jyväskylä in beautiful Konnevesi research station. The event gathered together 30 participants from all…

qCSI launched with a symposium
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qCSI launched with a symposium

qCSI launch symposium brought together diverse group 80 people from industry and academia, online and in person in Helsinki. The one day program included introductions from the qCSI personnel, plenary…

Summer Conferences in Helsinki
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Summer Conferences in Helsinki

Summer if the perfect time to visit Helsinki and attend high quality conferences! In June, there will be two opportunities where qCSI Helsinki scientists are participating in the organization: AMOC…

Jyväskylä SUMMER SCHOOL Coming Up!
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Jyväskylä SUMMER SCHOOL Coming Up!

The 31st Jyväskylä Summer school offers a great opportunity for advanced Master’s students, PhD students and post-docs, to learn about near-field IR imaging and the new Neaspec Near-field IR imaging instrument located…

Art Meets Science Exhibition Opening Day
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Art Meets Science Exhibition Opening Day

The Art Meets Science project started off today with a wonderful opening event. All together more than ten different science projects working with artists to produce brilliant pieces of art,…

Label-free chemically specific imaging of everyday household items
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Label-free chemically specific imaging of everyday household items

At its best, one of the key benefits of coherent Raman imaging is the ability to perform chemically specific imaging without any sample preparation. Here we show two of such…

Art Meets Science – Art inspired by research
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Art Meets Science – Art inspired by research

The Faculty of Pharmacy in the University of Helsinki organizes an ‘Art Meets Science’-project, in which local artists collaborate with scientists to create art displaying the broad and diverse nature…

Presentation at Physics Days 2022
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Presentation at Physics Days 2022

Rajenadhar Junjuri gave a talk titled “CARS spectrum imaginary part prediction using convolutional neural network” at the Physics Days 2022 conference. Rajenadhar is postdoctoral fellow at Lappeenranta university of technology…

qCSI Neaspec featured in Photonics Finland magazine
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qCSI Neaspec featured in Photonics Finland magazine

Fotoni is a Photonics Finland members magazine that is released twice per year. The latest issue featured qCSI Jyväskylä Neaspec Near-field IR imaging instrument as a part of an article…

The Best Doctoral Thesis in 2020 Award to Teemu Tomberg

The Photonics Finland Association has awarded PhD Teemu Tomberg for the best doctoral thesis in 2020. Tomberg is currently working as a post-doc in the qCSI project, with the main…