The new scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) has arrived at the University of Jyväskylä. The microscope is awaiting installation in boxes at the Nanoscience Center laser laboratory at the Ylistönrinne campus. The system is scattering-type SNOM, and it is based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) and light reflected from near-field (electromagnetic field localized at the AFM tip apex). When the qCSI super-resolution microscope is in operation it can be used for spectral imaging of various solid-state samples with approximately 10 nm spatial resolution. The microscope is equipped with 4 quantum cascade lasers that can be used for imaging in mid-infrared (MIR). Own laser sources for other wavelengths can be coupled in and the system is equipped with near-IR and visible detectors for imaging. The system contains a broadband femtosecond source that can be used for measuring MIR spectra with ~10 nm spatial resolution.

Contact: Eero Hulkko